-Digital8 to MiniDV conversion-MacDV Digest #3552

Ted Langdell ted at tedlangdell.com
Thu Aug 5 08:43:29 PDT 2004

Ted Langdell
Ted Langdell Creative Broadcast Services
Marysville, CA

At that cost... you'd be better off getting your camera repaired.  With 
new heads you'd have some life left in it, and it gives you a spare 
camera thats able to play your heritage tapes without dubbing and the 
cost in time and tape.

By the way, Sam's Club has a 6-pack of Maxell Mini-DV's for $19 and 
some change.


On Aug 5, 2004, at 5:31 AM, Macintosh Digital Video List wrote:

> Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2004 17:05:36 -0400
> Subject: Re: [MacDV] Re: Digital8 to MiniDV conversion
> From: "Mark O'Brien" <rmobrien at mac.com>
> Message-ID: <BD36C7E0.6858%rmobrien at mac.com>
> Yes, I left out the part about having to buy 35-40 MiniDV cassettes at
> around $4-5 each. I'll contact you off-list for further details.
> Thanks!
> Mark
> On 8/4/04 8:00 AM, "R B Williams" <brucewll at comcast.net> wrote:
>> Mark,
>> We do the transfer for $8.50 per original hour of tape. Assuming your 
>> Dig8
>> tapes are recorded SP then 35 tapes = 297.50 (plus shipping). If you 
>> make the
>> copies yourself,  you'll still be buying blank dv tapes so the 
>> question is
>> whether it's worth your time & hassle to find a deck or camera and 
>> make the
>> dubs.

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