[MacDV] Mac drivers for Dazzle Digital Video Creator 80

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Sun Dec 5 10:09:28 PST 2004

On Thursday, December 2, 2004, at 10:32  PM, Quincy Curry wrote:

> Hello, was there ever an answer to this question (copied below)?  I 
> have the same dilemma.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks, Quincy
> "Bill Horn  riverat at mac.com
>  Sun Apr 25 08:42:20 PDT 2004
> This may have already been covered, but I have just acquired a Dazzle
> and would like to use it on my 12" Albook, 867mhz, 640 meg, SuperDrive.
>   Anybody heard of Mac drivers?  How can I get my PB to recognize the
> USB Dazzle?  I have Virtual PC, but hate Windows, would like to run it
> on my OS 10.3.3
> Bill"

Writers opinion:
  These USB devices depend on Proprietary software which runs only on 
If you want to use MAc software such as iMovie of FCE or FCP your 
machine expects and demands that video be delivered via firewire ( 
unless you get a costly card).
There are no drivers for you for this unit for OSX or Mac in general.
A Dazzle unit with a Firewire output could work. ( not preferred tho')
I have a Sony converter. Canopus seems to be popular and there are a 
couple of other brands.
If someone gave you this thing, give it back.
If they sold it to you, take it back.
You really want one with a Firewire or iLink connector.
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