[MacDV] Re: Voiceover Mic Suggestions, iMic?

KathyMac! MacsAndMusic at MusiciansForProgress.org
Wed Dec 8 20:03:02 PST 2004

The MBox definitely has its pros and cons and is an inexpensive option 
in terms of getting into Pro Tools software.

However, one of the biggest complaints and problems to surface with it 
is the latency issues. The fact that latency is so high on the MBox has 
a lot to do with the fact that it is USB based audio.
But the original poster inquired only about voiceover abilities and for 
that I am sure it would be fantastic. It's when you get into doing 
overdubs for guitar tracks and the like that you will start feeling the 
frustration. That being said, even though it would work brilliantly for 
simple microphone work I think an MBox with Pro Tools might be a little 
bit overkill for that.

I use a Digi002 with Pro Tools. But on the flip side, I also have a 
Griffin iMic for my Key Lime clamshell iBook that doesn't have an audio 
in. It has worked nicely for simple things and I sometimes use a 
simplified software like Sound Studio to capture whatever it is I want 
to capture at the moment (most recently the snorting sounds of my pug 
dogs up close and personal!)


On Dec 8, 2004, at 8:32 PM, 
macdv-request at listserver.themacintoshguy.com wrote:

> Protools MBox is a professional powered interface- I have them for 
> onlocation
> remotes, video shoots and other systems and they work great - and at 
> $399 or
> so (with software)
>  - that can give you xlr inputs etc - even for field recording on a 
> laptop
> (also with a mini-mixing board too).
>    Works great.
> Linda
>>> I was always leary of USB audio, but people seem to like the iMic.
>>> Should I just plug in a Microphone to my Mac or via the iMic?

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