[MacDV] Capture Stops Due To Missing Data On Tape

Alex alex at fotomotion.net
Sun Dec 26 03:18:07 PST 2004

Hi K

Happy Holidays!

When I get problems with Bad tape or timecode corruption's I deal with 
them this way, it works 90% of the time.
Make sure that FCP is able to control the DV deck on a good piece of 
the tape so  you know that all  the connections are working, then,
In the Log and capture window click on the Capture Settings Tab
Under the Device control popup menu select non-controllable device.
FCP should now deal with your DV deck as if it was an analog source and 
record everything that thrown at it warts and all.
Its not 100% successful with all media and playback units or camera 
combinations I have tried, but enough so to give it a try first to save 
some time.


On 26 Dec 2004, at 02:11, James Asherman wrote:

> On Saturday, December 25, 2004, at 08:08  PM, Thubten Kunga wrote:
>> should I record from Analog out to Analog in on my DV Deck
> This approach works for me when there are random stops from tiny 
> glitches as you describe.
> You do lose the DV start/stop detect though.
> Jim
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