Video monitor playback

Kathryn Lucariello klucariello at
Wed Feb 11 13:25:01 PST 2004

Thanks, sb! That did the trick!


>Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2004 19:21:43 -0800
Subject: [MacDV] Re: Video monitor playback?
From: sb <videovideo at>
Message-ID: <BC4C3CC7.D10A%videovideo at>

If you can see video on the monitor, then you should be able to play it.

So, let's see if we can guess what you've done to the program that's
preventing it.

Look at your Canvas window. Do you see blue scroll bars on the bottom and
the side?

If you do, then in the top of the window where you have the dropdown menu
and you can choose a window size (25%, 50%, etc.) choose Fit To Window.


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