[MacDV] 80-min mini-dv tapes

Matt Patoray mspatoray at earthlink.net
Wed Feb 11 19:57:10 PST 2004

I consider Fuji the best media available and Sony a poor substitute for good
media( consumer DV or PRO DVCAM), I personally will not use Sony unless
there is no other choice. I have used Panasonic 80 min tapes with good
results, all Panasonic tape seems good.


on 2/11/04 4:08 PM, Malcolm Hamilton at malcolm_hamilton at cbc.ca wrote:

> Hi everyone -
> I can't seem to get 80-minute Sony mini dv tapes here in Canada, but
> I can get 80-minute Fuji mini dv tapes, for $8.68 (Cdn.) each.
> A couple questions.
> 1.  If Fuji a good brand?  Comparable to Sony?
> 2.  I want to record in LP mode, which will give me 120 minutes
> record time.  The reason I want to do this is for the purpose of
> dumping all my aging Hi-8 tapes, most of which are 120-minutes long,
> onto mini-dv, for safe keeping (I know I won't get around to editing
> them for years, and don't want the stuff to keep degrading on the
> shelf).  Going from one 120-minute tape to another 120-minute tape
> will be so much easier than 120 to 60, or 120 to 80.
> But, to finally get to my second question:  will recording in LP mode
> mean loss in  quality?  (Again, in case it makes a difference, I'll
> just be recording onto these tapes once.  Just to archive the stuff).
> I'm sorry if we've gone over some of this ground before.  I just want
> to be perfectly clear before I spend all this money (I have about 175
> Hi-8 tapes to transfer!) on mini-dv tapes.
> thanks,
> Malcolm
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