
Darrin Cardani dcardani at
Wed Feb 18 06:49:02 PST 2004

At 5:45 AM -0800 2/18/04, Jimbo <jimfo9 at> wrote:
>I tried importing the folder into iMovie4, and each file was grayed
>out. Will they not work in iMovie?

Just a reminder that the Cool Gradients 2 set comes with a 10 page 
PDF manual that explains how to use them in Final Cut Pro, Final Cut 
Express, iMovie, and Adobe Premiere.

To use them in iMovie you need the plugin from Erica Sadun's book, 
"iMovie3 Solutions: Tip, Tricks, and Special Effects". You can 
purchase the book at:


>From: Mike Swope <mike at>
>These also work with iMovie or Final Cut Express? What are instructions
>to use them in those app(s)? Thanks!

See above :-) (There's full-color pictures and everything!)

Darrin Cardani - dcardani at
President, Buena Software, Inc.
Video, Image and Audio Processing Development

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