[MacDV] VIDEO_TS using iDVD

Mark M. Florida markf at squareblue.com
Wed Feb 18 07:28:59 PST 2004

I've burned VIDEO_TS folders with no problem using Toast (5 & 6).  If you're
using Toast 5, just make sure you're using the "official" DVD disc format -
UDF - and with Toast 6, burn your VIDEO_TS folder as a data disc using
"DVD-ROM (UDF)" format option.  Maybe throw in an empty "AUDIO_TS" for good

Hope that helps.

- Mark

On 2/18/04 8:36 AM, Video International at videoint at jb3.so-net.ne.jp wrote:

> Is it possible to burn a previously authored VIDEO_TS folder using iDVD
> instead of Toast? If so, how?
> The VIDEO_TS folder was authored on a PC. The disks I burned from it
> using Toast do not play on my home DVD player. They do play fine on the
> computer. I tried using a couple different brands of media which have
> been trouble-free when iDVD was used. I'm hoping that using iDVD will
> solve the playback problem.
> Thanks,
> Rick

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