[MacDV] PAL DVD question

Erica Sadun erica at mindspring.com
Mon Jun 14 11:51:42 PDT 2004

At 2:32 PM -0400 6/14/04, Richard Gilmore wrote:
>We had a guy come into to our centre today from some island near 
>Singapore. He's
>been taping the sights around here, Niagara Falls etc...on his Panasonic
>NV-DS15 DV camera. He wants to edit the tape and burn it onto a DVD 
>here before
>he goes back home but his camera is PAL. I intially tried to play his tape on
>our JVC VCR but it didn't work then I plugged his cam straight into the
>computer via FW and it's downloading nicely in iMovie. Now iMovie is 
>saying the
>signal is PAL will I be able to play back his clips once there in the computer
>on our NTSC TV and would I be able to burn a DVD here that will 
>playback on his
>PAL DVD player? What would be the best strategy?

If you keep the project in PAL, you can burn it in iDVD as a PAL

Normally, PAL won't play on NTSC TV. However, you can buy very
inexpensive DVD players that produce NTSC signals from PAL discs.

-- Erica

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