iMovie long save

Richard Gilmore rgilmor at
Tue Jun 15 12:16:22 PDT 2004

Hi again,

I'm still working on this iMovie project. It's 90 minutes long with some music
added in the soundtrack but it's now taking forever to save. I'm on another
computer right now and it's taken over ten minutes and all I'm getting is the
spinning beachball. Is this normal? The project itself is over 20 gigs. It did
this before and I did a force quit but I don't want to lose my changes. How
long should it take? I have a thing in the finder that measures how much of the
processor is being used and it's at 100%.

thanx again


Richard Gilmore
Media Production Centre
Faculty of Education
University of Western Ontario
519-661-2111 x88634
rgilmor at

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