VideoVision Studio up for grabs

Bobbo bobbo924 at
Sat Jun 19 11:39:35 PDT 2004

I have a VideoVision (Studio, I think). Comes with breakout box, software
on floppies (!), and a buncha notes I printed out, stuck in a folder. This
doesn't support any system past (I believe) 7.6.1, so  be advised. If
interested, let me know offlist.I'll take whatever seems fair to you just
to find it a home. No warranty, but last time I tried it (ice ages ago) it
worked OK. I managed to pay over $800 for it back in the dark ages of 1996.
Never did a blessed thing with it. Frankly, I prefer iMovie (LOL) but this
is supposed to be broadcast quality. If you wannit, holler at me.


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