[MacDV] Re: MXProDV

Colin McDonald cmmcdonald at mac.com
Fri Jun 18 16:59:47 PDT 2004

On Thursday, Jun 17, 2004, at 20:58 Europe/London, James Asherman wrote:

>> 1 It doesn't seem to work with iMovie - iMovie 4 sees it as as an 
>> unknown DV device and complains that it doesn't have device control 
>> and won't import from it. iMovie 3 doesn't detect it at all.
> No device control is what you are going to get. Normal.

I wasn't expecting device control but I was rather hoping to be able to 
use the signal! Device control isn't needed when importing live footage 
from the camera and I expected the output from from the mixer to behave 
like that.
>> 2 I can't get SONY cameras (tried 3) to see the MXProDV through the 
>> DV out either so I have no means of recording the output via DV at 
>> the moment. Not an immediate problem because my first gig is live to 
>> projector screens and that works fine on S Video or composite. I 
>> could probably record to a camera that way too but the point was to 
>> keep it digital. I am going to borrow a HD video recorder and give 
>> that a shot but I had assumed that anything that was described as 
>> FireWire DV would be compatible. Not so?
>> Any suggestions?
> Only one. Experiment with what order you turn everything on in.

Thanks for that - will give it a shot.

Colin McDonald

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