[MacDV] DVD Burning

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Sun Mar 7 19:34:54 PST 2004

On Sunday, March 7, 2004, at 09:04  PM, Wooster wrote:

> Create Adobe Permier movie file -> Download latest free version of 
> Quicktime
> player -> Upgrade that to Quicktime Pro ($29.99 Bleah) -> Finnally 
> convert
> that to a quicktime movie file -> Import that to iMovie -> export that 
> to
> iDVD (And buy that too) -> Burn disk -> And finnaly I can have my DVD 
> disk.

Now you know. Next time FCP.
  Just render your movie as DVStream and it will load into iMovie and 
thence iDVD, saving you two steps and 29.99.

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