[MacDV] Re: Problems with a miglia directors cut converter box

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Tue May 4 13:04:20 PDT 2004

On Tuesday, May 4, 2004, at 03:37  PM, cathal mc carthy wrote:

> Hi all
> I am having problems getting a signal from my miglia dir cut 2 box  
> into my vcr. If I hook up to the tv and set it to av using the rca   
> inputs video and audio white and yellow jacks I can get the pink  
> default signal then on the tv only.
> However when I hook up with the rca to scart (this is what is used in  
> europe) lead into the vcr I can't get any signal. Erica said that I  
> need to set the vcr to external input I don't have the remote yet or  
> the manual to check this and my vcr does not have rca inputs only
> scart av inputs.
> I can import fine via the scart output connection but just can't get  
> it to export to the vcr.
> Any ideas from anyone would really be appreciated do I need a  
> different vcr?
> Thanks to you all
> Cathal

A; You need the remote.

B: couldn't hurt to have one of these :

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