[MacDV] Re: Digital Video Quality

Gerhard Kuhn gerhardk at mac.com
Thu May 27 14:14:02 PDT 2004

Yes you would be wise to keep the original DV tape or at least your edited version on DV tape.  This way if there are scenes that you wish to import into future projects they will be easily available and at their best possible quality.  It is possible to import video from DVDs but the hassle and reduced quality make the tape a much better option.

On Thursday, May 27, 2004, at 04:51PM, Charles Pearson <pearson at tidewaterbaptist.org> wrote:

>I took the advice and sent a portion of a soccer game back to DV tape 
>from iMovie. The image was just a good as the original. Thanks for the 
>help there. As Erica pointed out the more the motion, the poorer 
>quality the DVD image. I guess that I was expecting near commercial DVD 
>quality from my own iDVD/Toast projects. Alas, that appears to be the 
>proverbial "pipe dream". If I send the movie right to iDVD from iMovie, 
>will I get the best image possible? Does DVD-R media matter? Do I need 
>to keep a copy of the original on DV Tape for future use (as in further 
>edit sessions, I do not want or have the room to keep my projects on my 
>drive)? Was kinda hoping the the DVD would become the new archive as 
>well, but I guess poor image quality and the fact that I do not know 
>how to record my DVDs back to my computer makes that a no-go. Oh, my 
>poor little head is just so full of questions <smile>.

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