[MacDV] Past contributor

Richard Gilmore rgilmor at uwo.ca
Wed Nov 3 13:34:44 PST 2004

Hallelujah sing it!  F those scumbag relgio-neo-cons! Praise the lord!

> From: Lene Wangmo <wangmo at earthlink.net>
>Those who use the f word are those of us who enjoy flipping the
> bird at the abuse of power by religious leaders and politicians who
> manipulate a populace with inquisition-like tactics that control populations
> by fear, turning them into obedient, unquestioning sheep, to serve their
> greed.  
> Lené Wangmo
> to its present word ³country² now is a
> patriarchal word, stripped of all of its feminine creative and nourishing
> power, abused by the corporations who rape the environment to serve greed.
> What they categorize as profane
> was once quite sacred‹the feminine.

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