[MacDV] Will Bush win?

Lene Wangmo wangmo at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 3 16:09:29 PST 2004

On 11/3/04 4:25 PM, "Claire Hart" <listaddy at hartsites.com> wrote:

>> It amazes me that so many Conservatives (not all) forget that we
>> left church and state rulership to found a nation predicated on
>> SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.  Nobody denies anyone's right to their
> Separation of church and state was not part of the foundation of our
> nation.  Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to a church in January 1802
> with that phrase in it.  Rather than go on and on about its history
> here, you can check it out on Google.  If you want to know what the
> convictions of the founding fathers were, I can give you more info
> privately.
> Claire
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I'm well educated in the history of hundreds of years of the disastrous
combination of Church and state in human affairs, and am well aware of the
separation of church and state motivations in founding this nation.  I think
you might be well served to do a Google search of "theocratic regimes," and


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