[MacDV] Saving Files

ian tucker carlian at picknowl.com.au
Wed Nov 3 16:48:46 PST 2004

On 02/11/2004 Gerhard Kuhn wrote :-

> This is one of the best made satirical political cartoons I have seen 
> in a long time.  It is a fairly large file but I thought it was worth 
> watching.  The video has no bias for Republican nor Democrat and even 
> mentions Nader.
> Gerhard

 From time to time we receive greetings cards, or are referred to sites 
as above and enquire whether  there is any way of saving these for 
later viewing?   In my experience, such files can only be viewed 
between downloading same and prior to shutting down the computer.

Also,  I receive ".exe" files from time to time.    Is there anyway of 
opening these on a Mac.?

Ian T.

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