[MacDV] Saving Files

Jeff Fay fnjaf at uaf.edu
Wed Nov 3 17:22:48 PST 2004

.exe files are Windows executables - applications. Often they contain 
(Windows) viruses.

You need a Windows computer to open them. You could get Virtual PC, 
which allows you to run Windows in emulation (albeit fairly slowly) on 
your Mac.


ian tucker wrote:

> From time to time we receive greetings cards, or are referred to sites 
> as above and enquire whether  there is any way of saving these for 
> later viewing?   In my experience, such files can only be viewed 
> between downloading same and prior to shutting down the computer.
> Also,  I receive ".exe" files from time to time.    Is there anyway of 
> opening these on a Mac.?
> Ian T.
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