[MacDV] iMovie files and iPod Photo

Gerhard Kuhn gerhardk at mac.com
Fri Nov 5 04:23:29 PST 2004

Shirley I agree with everything you said except the quoted statement.  
The iPod has a large buffer (I don't remember exactly but 32 mb seems 
to come to mind) and the idea is that the hard-drive only spins when 
the buffer needs to be replenished.  So if you play long selection or 
don't change the play list that was selected the hard-drive is used as 
little as every 20 minutes or so but if you are constantly navigating 
to select different playlists, artists etc. you will force the iPod to 
use the hard-drive more.


P.S. I bought a mini iPod for my wife and she loves it, uses it to play 
mostly 50 - 70s music in her car through a cassette adaptor.

On Nov 4, 2004, at 8:01 PM, ShirleyK wrote:

>  I play classical music, most of which is longer than 4 minutes per 
> "song," so I get less battery life that way.

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