Hi Steve Two issues for Video Editing that put the G5 PowerMac up as a first choice: 1st Speed of the Processors: Its not just rendering that the faster Mac provides, actual editing from effects and transitions to simply the response of the program is effected. If you will be doing a lot of video work, all the few seconds here and there add up over a job. 2nd Software: always fills the power that is available. Already apple has one program (motion) that has very specific HW requirements for it. Getting the best Mac you can afford will see your investment lasting over a longer time software wise. My 2c Alex On 7 Nov 2004, at 12:37, Steve Jackson wrote: > Finally, I'm getting a new Mac! > But still trying to decide on a 1.8 single imac or > a 2 gigahertz dual processer power mac. Since the > intended use is primarily for video editing I realize > that bigger, better and faster is the way to go. > Unfortunately money IS an issue. > Will a 1.8 gigahertz imac with 512mb memory upgrade do > the job? Since rendering speed is not currently a > primary issue with me, will the lesser machine be > adequate? As I see it, the only thing I can't do is > run two separate > monitors. Seems the 20 inch screen and a video out > adapter to a TV should be OK. Any thoughts?