[MacDV] Re: Final cut pro - camcorders - waiting for time code...endlessly

sb videovideo at mac.com
Sat Nov 13 19:28:24 PST 2004

That's true for Canon camcorders - they have several problem areas in

If you are using Panasonic or Sony camcorders you should have no problem
daisy-chaining thru a firewire drive.



On 11/13/2004 7:23 PM, "Frank Fitzpatrick" <ffitzpatrick at cox.net> wrote:

> Fixed! that's great. yes, direct with the 6 pin side of the firewire
> cable directly to the Mac is the only ways it works.
> Frank Fitzpatrick
> Cranston, RI, USA (I mean the USA that's the one in North America)
> On Saturday, November 13, 2004, at 01:15  PM, revDAVE wrote:
>> On 11/12/04 9:55 PM, "Frank Fitzpatrick" <ffitzpatrick at cox.net> wrote:
>>> If I understand correctly, just -
>>> Open the capture window.
>>> Put your camcorder in VTR mode.
>>> Press Play on your CAMCORDER.
>>> Then - - click Capture Now.
>>> Or did I misunderstand your problem?
>>> Frank Fitzpatrick
>>> Cranston, RI, USA
>> Thanks Frank - for your response - I did  try pressing play on the
>> camcorder
>> and also the computer ... But nothing helped... It just gave the error
>> below...
>> *****  however - problem fixed!!!!!!
>> *  it seems as though you must connect your camcorder DIRECTLY to the
>> FireWire input on the back of the computer !!! without going through
>> any
>> other devices first - in chain or what ever !!!  and that totally
>> fixes the
>> problem!
>> --
>> Thanks - RevDave
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