[MacDV] Mac the ripper

Nick Scalise nickscalise at mac.com
Wed Nov 24 15:47:03 PST 2004

MPEG Streamclip:


NOTE: The resultant DV file will not have the original's quality, as it 
will "only" be as "good" as the compressed MPEG2 DVD.

On Nov 24, 2004, at 4:35 PM, Norm Lamoureux wrote:

> Is there a way to get a "Video_TS" folder back into iMovie? I made a 
> movie, burned it, then deleted the iMovie and the iDVD projects. Now I 
> need to get the video back into iMovie for another project. Is there a 
> way to do this from a burned DVD?
> --- "Mark M. Florida" <markf at squareblue.com> wrote:
>> You can just burn the "VIDEO_TS" folder wrapped in
>> another "DVD-VIDEO" folder in DVD UDF format in Toast.  No need for
>> complex disc imaging and time wasting...  Just make sure the 
>> folder is at the root level of the disc.
>> - Mark
>> On 11/23/04 12:00 PM, Art Amolsch at
>> aamolsch at shentel.net wrote:
>>> Tried the Toast solution below, and it didn'twork.
>>> Wasted a DVD. I'll try yours. Thanks.
>>> -------
>>> On Nov 23, 2004, at 12:15 PM, Laine Lee wrote:
>>>> And if you don't have Toast, use DVD Imager andDisk Copy (Jaguar) or
>>>> Disk
>>>> Utility (Panther):
> http://lonestar.utsa.edu/llee/applescript/dvdimager.html
>>> ------
>>>>> If you have Toast 5- 6 just drop that folder into it's window.
>>>>> Burn a DVD.
Nick Scalise
nickscalise at mac.com

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