[MacDV] Soundtrack and Garageband

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Thu Oct 7 09:37:25 PDT 2004

On Thursday, October 7, 2004, at 11:32  AM, Lene Wangmo wrote:

> I wrote a song in Garageband, then wanted to import it into
> Soundtrack to create a music video (slide show) to sync to it,
> but couldn't figure out how to copy my Garageband stuff and
> export it into Soundtrack.  Soundtrack has "Apple loops" but they
> don't have the same names as the Apple loops in Garageband.
> Do I have to create the MP3 (Garageband easily creates for iTunes),
> which compresses the sound  (I don't want to do that, do I?) to
> export Garageband creations into Soundtrack?

Looks like it. No aiff from Garage and no aiff import to soundtrack.

>  Or do I  have to
> start all over in  Soundtrack, hunting through the loops in Sountrack
> to try to find the loops that match Garageband sounds?

This might be a good bet
>  I know this
> must be easy, but I'm such a flaming newbie, I can't figure it out, 
> even
> though I've searched the "help" files.

You can press the button marked "setup" in the soundtrack browser and 
presumably point it at garageband loops.

> If it's possible to copy/paste (get my Garageband song into 
> Soundtrack),
> is there someone here on our list who can give this newbie
> the  one, two, three (etc.) steps on how to do it? I love creating in
> Garageband because it's really easy and fun to use compared to
> creating in Soundtrack.  (I want to add a vocal track, too.)

I couldn't paste from one to the other . You could try loading a 
garageband project (just the project file) into soundtrack (after 
redirecting the loop browser)but i doubt it.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Wangmo
There may be some utility to the soundtrack loop utility here.
Maybe you could save each individual track as a new loop and load them 
simply one by one?

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