[MacDV] Can't render/encode my iDVD project - Can't burn project to DVD

Robert L. Vaessen rvaessen at mac.com
Sat Oct 23 17:13:01 PDT 2004

On Oct 23, 2004, at 15:48, James Asherman wrote:

> On Saturday, October 23, 2004, at 04:41  PM, Robert L. Vaessen wrote:
>> Jim -
>> What you are describing does not work (for me). I tried it. My copy 
>> of iDVD (version 4.0.1) will not accept a .dv (DV Movie format) file 
>> (Files ending with .dv) via drag-n-drop. It only accepts .dvdproj 
>> (iDVD project format) from drag and drop.
> If you can't drag a .dv file into the menu area of iDVD then you have 
> problem. I don''t know what. But the .dvdproj is what you get AFTER 
> you drop videos on the menu area, write little descriptions and add 
> motion icons and music. The whole deal is the dvdproj, not the video 
> files.

O.k. I need to open iDVD first. I thought you wanted me to drag it onto 
the application icon. It works if I drag it onto an open iDVD.

>> When I was trying to use iDVD, I used the 'Create iDVD project' 
>> button from within iMovie, which automatically opens iDVD, imports 
>> (into iDVD) the digital media from iMovie, and creates a new iDVD 
>> project file.
> Thsi has given me problems. ESPECIALLY with mixed media in one movie. 
> you should , sorry again, render one dv movie (with chapters) quit 
> iMovie, open iDVD and then drag and drop the movie where it says "drag 
> movie here".
> If that don't work then either your movie is wrong or your iDVD is 
> busted.

Well, it works if I drag the .dv to an open iDVD, but then the chapter 
markers aren't visible in iDVD. I've already got a good iDVD project 
with menus, menu transitions, chapter selections, etc, built. It 
previews fine in iDVD. I can navigate through the menus with no 
problems, and the video plays back with no problems.

>> I tried the drag-n-drop method you described, but iDVD would not 
>> hilite/become a target for drag-n-drop of the .dv file.
> Open iDVD select a menu style drag and drop right in the menu area.

I can drag .dv onto iDVD if it's open. I thought you were asking me to 
drag it onto the application icon.

>> My problems are not getting iDVD to open my files. I can get my 
>> digital media from iMovie to iDVD with no problems.
> sorry but apparently you can't. If it is still an Mpeg2 or a bunch of 
> mixed media it wil stall on render. And rendering mpeg2 another pass 
> is not really a good idea.

Why are you telling me I can't, when I've already told you I have? I 
already built transitions, titles, some stills, chapter markers etc, 
using iMovie. I have already exported all my iMovie data to iDVD. I'm 
past that step. Why would iDVD stall on a bunch of mixed media? When 
you use the 'Create iDVD project' button, it pushes all the mixed media 
to iDVD. This is a normal work flow when authoring digital movies with 
iMovie and iDVD.

>>  My problems occur when I try to burn to a DVD using iDVD. The 
>> process seems to be hanging at stage 2.
> See above comment. it is confused by your procedure.

iDVD is confused by the normal iMovie to iDVD workflow procedure?

>> I encounter the same problems when I try to burn the iDVD tutorial to 
>> disk.
> "ReinSTall"

Reinstall what? I've already reinstalled iDVD. That didn't seem to 
help. iMovie seems to be functioning properly, and I'm certainly not 
going to reinstall my entire OS.

- Robert

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