[MacDV] Can't render/encode my iDVD project - Can't burn project to DVD

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Sat Oct 23 17:31:03 PDT 2004

On Saturday, October 23, 2004, at 08:13  PM, Robert L. Vaessen wrote:

> Well, it works if I drag the .dv to an open iDVD, but then the chapter 
> markers aren't visible in iDVD. I've already got a good iDVD project 
> with menus, menu transitions, chapter selections, etc, built. It 
> previews fine in iDVD. I can navigate through the menus with no 
> problems, and the video plays back with no problems.
In this case I would say, quit iMovie, it is sucking up your power.
and you are right, you need to get the project started in iDVD from 
iMovie before you quit iMovie.

  Then press the burn button.
put in a DVD and walk away.
My wiseguy wisdom is exhausted
Love anyway

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