[MacDV] Planning a Dual G5 purchase for video use

Timothy Luoma lists at tntluoma.com
Thu Apr 14 13:48:35 PDT 2005

I'm planning, probably sometime this summer, to buy a Dual G5, mainly 
to do video work (importing video from ConvertX/Canopus ADVC 110 into 

There is a fairly steep price difference ($900) between the Dual 1.8 
and the 2.5.

As far as I can see, this is mainly due to the processor speed and the 
bus speed.

Looking at this review

It looks like the 2.5 is significantly better than the 1.8 or 2.0 
models.  The 1.8 model comes with an 80gb hard drive which is no longer 
large in this day & age, and 256 RAM, which is absurd.

I'm wondering if others who have worked with the Dual G5s can comment 
on their performance.  You know what they say about benchmarks ;-)


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