[MacDV] [MacDV} Sony HVR-Z1U Now $3199

Ron gmedia.dv at verizon.net
Mon Apr 18 10:28:56 PDT 2005


Nice camera even at B&H's price of $4900. Be careful where you buy...

On Apr 18, 2005, at 10:20 AM, Kunga wrote:

> At best choice digital in brooklyn.
> <http://www.bestchoicedigital.com/store/stores_app/ 
> Browse_Item_Details.asp?Store_id=101&page_id=23&Item_ID=3647>
> Can you believe it? This is less than most have already paid for the  
> consumer model. The list is $4,900. This is the pro model that does  
> DVCAM and 24p HDV and has a pair of powered XLR inputs on it.
> $1700 off list already. Sony must have decided to make a ton of them.  
> Can this low price last or will it go to $2999 soon? I feel sorry for  
> those fools who bought the consumer model.
> I checked out all the press conferences at NAB last night and none of  
> Sony's competition are stepping up to the HDV space with any  
> contenders. This is IT for 2005. This is THE camera to buy.
> So a full motion picture production setup is now under $10,000  
> including this camera, a G5 and FCStudio. Amazing!!
> k

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