[MacDV] Re: Final Cut Xserve/Xsan query...

sb videovideo at mac.com
Tue Apr 26 21:21:57 PDT 2005

Do you have an integrator or installer? Or is this a do it yourself project.
Xsans are complicated...



On 4/26/05 4:10 PM, "Richard Brown" <richard at go2rba.com> wrote:

> Hello all...
> We are currently losing a bit of hair over getting our 15TB Xserve/Xsan
> on fiber channel to speak correctly to our Final Cut stations.
> At the desktop, the Xsan appears as a drive, but in the Final Cut setup
> dialog, it only appears as a folder ROUTED THROUGH Macintosh HD.
> This seems to truncate as well as route the throughput via Macintosh
> HD, and the resultant files on the Xsan are generally damaged, without
> ownership and unreadable by Quicktime. 5
> With HDV footage coming through our Kona 2, Final Cut capture dies at
> 150MB, or after about 1 second of capture.
> We are going out component from the Sony HDV deck into the Kona
> breakout box then into the Kona 2.
> Should anyone have done such a setup, we'd appreciate any notes.
> Thanks,
> Richard Brown

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