[MacDV] Digital to analog converter (or vice versa)

Walt Bagnara vbyahvb at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 24 16:15:06 PST 2005

I know this subject comes up some times. I don't know how to search the
archives very well, so maybe you can point me in the right direction. I'm
looking for a D/A converter to bring VHS tapes into my Mac. I've used a VHS to
DV camera process before, but it gets cumbersome because I don't have access to
the camera all the time. Plus, the camera is older so I can't figure out how to
use it as a pass through. I end up taping to the DV cam and then moving the
video to the Mac with Firewire. It gets to be a pain when the VHS tapes are
over an hour. And when the camera is not available, impossible to move the

My question: What's a good D/A convertger for a cheap price. By cheap I mean
under $200 preferably under $150. I've been looking on the internet and seen
the ADS Pyro and the Canopus models, but are they any good? And are there
others in my price range?

Thanks for any help,

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