I believe that iDVD5 has the ability to burn DVD's to an external DVD burner. There is a hack that allows you to use external DVD burners with earlier versions of iDVD, or even better burn to a disk image so you can preview your DVD in the DVD Player before you burn to a DVD - which is really useful for those times you need to make a bunch of copies and can't tie up your computer for days running iDVD :-) The files can be downloaded from here : http://forum.rpc1.org/download.php? id=352&sid=80b3f473da1904bad86acf255bf49282 Put the Hurz and Pfurz files at the top level of your home directory. When ready to burn in iDVD hold the control button down when you click on the burn icon, wait for the contextual menu to pop up and then choose the drive or option that suits you. More info is available here : http://forum.rpc1.org/viewtopic.php?t=23370 Hope this helps! Regards, Joey Kennedy. On Jul 30, 2005, at 1:17 AM, olivia block wrote: Hello I am interested in using my powerbook G4 to edit videos from my camcorder and I would like to buy some sort of external DVD burner to transfer the images to DVD. I am really new to this stuff, and I have tried to use a consumer DVD recorder to do crude transfers from my camcorder but the DVDs wouldn't play on anything, including my computer. Now I am looking at DVD burners with firewire or whatever instead. I guess it would be best if these worked with iDVD but it seems like they don't?? Also, is there any external DVD burner which can also be used directly with the camcorder, like with consumer DVD recorders? Any advice would be appreciated Thanks