[MacDV] Does DVD+R read on a Mac ok?

Brett Conlon brett_conlon at sonymusic.com.au
Wed Jun 29 23:54:42 PDT 2005

I thought I had heard that many DVD burners in more recent Mac models 
could read or write to DVD+ discs but Apple restricted this within the OS 
(10.3 and earlier). Upgrading to 10.4 may open up this possibility to some 

I think the reason they now make it possible is because of dual layer 
discs only being + and this was a direction Apple want to move in as part 
of their digital hub.

Yet again I may be completely misinformed... wouldn't be the first time! 


Rod Duncan <roduncan at telus.net>

Depends on Apple machine and DVD burner model. DVD+R is supported on my 
new 1.67 AI PowerBook. Copied a DVD+R with no problems.

I can do it on a G5.

Paul Moortgat

On 27 Jun 2005, at 21:13, Ehrhart, Robert wrote:

I've seen a number of these inexpensive dvd burners at Wal-Mart, etc. They 
burn DVD+R. Is there any problem with my Mac reading these? (I know the 
Mac PowerBook G4 Superdrive burner only makes DVD-R but if I can read +R 
that would be swell...)

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