[MacDV] Re: DSP And iDVD Dvd Player Help

sb videovideo at mac.com
Mon Mar 7 09:03:15 PST 2005

How long is the video on the dvd?

The most common causes of a disc not playing back in one particular player
is the brand of media or the data rate used.

If your data rate is over about 8mb/sec that might be the problem.
Especially if the player is an older one.

Some players just don't like certain brands of blanks.

Can you take the disc to an electronic store (Circuit City, BestBuy, etc)
and try the disc in several machines? If it plays on most of them, then you
know it's not the fault of the authoring software.



On 3/7/05 8:33 AM, "aashram" <amar at aashram.com> wrote:

> I have a dvd that I have authored using dvd studio pro and idvd and
> for some reason I cannot get it work in a certain dvd player that I
> have. It is not the media cause this dvd player has played back non
> idvd/dsp authored dvds I have done. There is something that dsp/idvd is
> doing that this dvd player does not like. It refuses to load it and
> says nodisc.
> Is there a tool out there or advice that I can use to compare the
> video_ts folder to see what is bugging the player ?
> I have tried burning on different drives too
> The dvd is for a charity who are keen to get the dvd for a forthcoming
> show. So any advice much appreciated. I havent had much joy elsewhere
> on the net.

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