[MacDV] Importing images from DVD into iMovie

Nick Scalise nickscalise at mac.com
Wed Mar 16 12:25:15 PST 2005

On Wednesday, March 16, 2005, at 02:03PM, Tom Meyer <tmeyer at lps.org> wrote:

>This is my first post to this list. I am trying to find out if anyone 
>has had success importing DVD audio and video from a non-copy protected 
>DVD into iMovie. I have DVD that are not protected and I want to use 
>some of the audio and video in iMovie but can't seem to find a way to 
>import it without playing it into a VCR or DVcamera and then reloading 
>it back into the Macintosh. Anybody had this problem or succes with it?

MacTheRipper (free) will copy your DVD to your harddrive.

MPEGStreamClip (free) will convert your copied DVD to .dv files. You will need Apple's MPEG2 Component ($20) for this to work.

Good luck,
Nick Scalise
nickscalise at mac.com

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