[MacDV] MS video codec

Nick Scalise nickscalise at mac.com
Fri May 6 14:05:40 PDT 2005

On Friday, May 06, 2005, at 03:18PM, Richard Gilmore <rgilmor at uwo.ca> wrote:

>I'm not sure my superiors will accept a QT file. They want something MS. My
>boss mentioned a codec for the file format they want. Is there a codec for
>an MS DV/AVI 720x480? "uncompressed"?
>It's supposed to be able to play like this page:
>Which won't play on my Mac. When I told my work it wouldn't play on Mac
>their response literally was "go watch it on a PC" I'm going to have to do
>more digging on my end to see if I can output it the way they want or
>hopefully get them to change to something more cross platform.

Well, it's too bad you can't tell them to F-off. Cause I just tried it on a PC and it won't load with Firefox either. 

One *must* use IE for Windows *only*. Which means they used one of MS's old 'java' tools to build the page in MS's - 'embraced and extended' non conforming for which they got sued over - java.

If you have to deal with jerks like that, well, good luck.

And while I'm ranting, what the hell is MS DV? Isn't DV a standard, or does MS embrace and extend the format when it comes off the camera?

Can't you just send them your edited file as a .dv file and they can open it from there? Do these jerks like forcing people to conform to their outdated 'standards'?


One last thing, videohelp.com may be able to help at least with explanations of codecs, formats etc.

Again, good luck, you will need it with jerks like that.

Nick Scalise
nickscalise at mac.com

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