[MacDV] iDVD 5 - Drop Zones

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Thu May 19 19:45:42 PDT 2005

On May 19, 2005, at 9:56 PM, macminialacool at mac.com wrote:

> Hey,
> Created a Wedding video for a friend. How do you select a portion of 
> your movie to appear in the drop zone instead of the whole thing?
> Chris

You sure ask a lot of questions Chris,
  The best way is to plan ahead. Pick a couple of pieces and render them 
out as DV or MPeg4. Little 5-30 second hunks.
Usually though I either open the edit or some of the original clips in 
QT. I select a portion (with the little tiny section selectors)
Copy it and paste into a new window. This doesn't really make a new 
clip just defines a piece.
These are what I usually use for drop zones.
You can also use any photos .

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