[MacDV] Apple X8 DVD-R

Patty Winter patty1 at sonic.net
Thu May 19 22:02:05 PDT 2005

   >From: Bill Harwood <bill at llwyfen.demon.co.uk>
   >On 20 May 2005, at 01:56, macminialacool at mac.com wrote:
   >> I was looking on the Apple Store (Canada) to purchase more Apple X4 
   >> DVD-R media but I see they no longer carry it. It is now only the X8 
   >> media. Will they work in my X4 Superdrive? Anyone know?
   >Suggest you visit   
   ><http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=86130>  for Apple's 

That page only addresses using 4x DVD-R discs in SuperDrives made
for 1x and 2x. I found the following page that provides updated
information for my Dual G4 mirrored-door Power Mac, but it doesn't
answer the original question about Macs with 4x drives. Given the
note in the article you mentioned about incompatible DVDs possibly 
ruining the drive, I don't blame the OP for wanting definitive 


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