[MacDV] OT: Advice concerning software legalities

Nick Scalise nickscalise at cox.net
Thu Feb 16 09:31:37 PST 2006

> From: Patty Winter <patty1 at sonic.net>
>    >From: Gerhard <gerhardk at mac.com>
>    >
>    >It is pretty easy to get rid of, all you do is go to the application  
>    >folder and drag the offending software to the trash.
> Don't you also have to track down any pieces that might be in the 
> Library folder (such as the Application Support folders), the 
> System/Library folders, etc.?

Yes and no? 

While it is tidy to remove all that extra stuff, it usually does not interfere with 
other software, and so it is not absolutely necessary to remove it. 

Kernel extensions are one exception...

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