[MacDV] Re: Transfer of Home Burned DVD to iMovie

Nick Scalise nickscalise at cox.net
Mon Feb 20 10:34:34 PST 2006

> From: Tom Meyer <tmeyer at lps.org>
> Another question Juan may need answered is how to get it to DVD from 
> imovie. If he is not working with a G4 then iDVD is not available. Toast 
> is slow and awkward. How do those of us that do not have iDVD and/or a 
> G4 mac (but have a G3 with iMovie), as well as being too poor to invest 
> hundreds of dollars in specialized programing, FCP etc. get the job done?

If not on a G4 or G5, than *anything* relating to encoding video will be slow 
and awkward. I'm sure Apple made the decision to require G4's to use iDVD 
just for this reason.

However, that said, I've heard that ffmpeg can help build VIDEO_TS folders, 
but I am not sure. Search versiontracker for it. Once you have a VIDEO_TS 
folder, Toast is no longer slow and awkward.

Nick Scalise
nickscalise at cox.net

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