[MacDV] Most suitable Intel equipped Mac to buy?

Gordon Alley gordon.alley at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 20:53:33 PST 2006

I understand that there won't be Universal versions of most of the
Adobe pro apps until as late as 2007, so a lot would depend on if you
can accept the poorer performance running them with Rosetta on an
Intel Mac.

On 2/17/06, tucker ian <carlian at picknowl.com.au> wrote:
> A friend and I use Adobe CS2 and Final Cut Pro quite a lot.   He is
> using an earlier, desk-lamp type G4 iMac and I am using a 933 Power
> PC G4.  We both have FCP Studio (Universal) on order and are
> intending to upgrade to new Intel equipped Macs.   Money restraints
> prevent both of us from going crazy and buying "the top of the
> range", but as serious hobbyists we are prepared to shell out enough
> money to get  models that will see us fairly well covered for our
> purposes.
> I already have a 20" Cinema LCD screen and tend to lean towards a
> "tower" again due to expandibility and  yet with the arrival of large
> capacity external HD's this factor appears not to be as big a factor
> as it used to be.   The new Intel equipped iMac with 20" screen
> appears to maybe fill our requirements (we both already have large
> external HD's) and the portability of the iMac , particularly for my
> friend, is an attractive feature.
> We would appreciate other Listers opinions on whether we wait for the
> new tower/desktop models to arrive, or whether we settle for top
> model iMacs.
> TIA,
> Ian Tucker
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Gordon B. Alley

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