Problem with iMac is maximum RAM is only 2 GB. That is really not enough for Studio. I just bought the Quad 2.5 GHz G5 PPC for $2799 on the refurb page a mere 4 months after the announcement and only 3 months since they started shipping. I also got a refurb surprize of TWO 1 GB sticks instead of TWO 256 MB sticks. Ordered four more 1 GB sticks for only an additional $300 from Omni Tech. So I will have 6. I was told that one GB per processor is considered a MINIMUM for Studio. Just because Apple sells Intel Macs doesn't mean you have to buy one. PPC Macs are fine and this is the most power you can get right now for a very reasonable price. I sold my dual 2.5 GHz G5 for $2500 so it only cost me $800 including RAM to have a much more powerful machine specifically to crush video for iPods and to edit with Studio. I think the iMac will be a disappointment because of that RAM limitation. -- Taylor Barcroft New Media Publisher, Editor, Video Journalist, Podcaster, Futurecaster Santa Cruz CA, Beach of the Silicon Valley URL RSS iTunes barcroft (gizmo) kungax (Skype) kungag5 (iChat-AIM) On Feb 17, 2006, at 3:10 PM, tucker ian wrote: > A friend and I use Adobe CS2 and Final Cut Pro quite a lot. He is > using an earlier, desk-lamp type G4 iMac and I am using a 933 Power > PC G4. We both have FCP Studio (Universal) on order and are > intending to upgrade to new Intel equipped Macs. Money restraints > prevent both of us from going crazy and buying "the top of the > range", but as serious hobbyists we are prepared to shell out > enough money to get models that will see us fairly well covered > for our purposes. > > I already have a 20" Cinema LCD screen and tend to lean towards a > "tower" again due to expandibility and yet with the arrival of > large capacity external HD's this factor appears not to be as big a > factor as it used to be. The new Intel equipped iMac with 20" > screen appears to maybe fill our requirements (we both already have > large external HD's) and the portability of the iMac , particularly > for my friend, is an attractive feature. > > We would appreciate other Listers opinions on whether we wait for > the new tower/desktop models to arrive, or whether we settle for > top model iMacs. > > TIA, > Ian Tucker