[MacDV] Simple? Video to DVD question

Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Sun Feb 26 19:45:59 PST 2006

4.0 is the same version as 4.5 HD. It was a FREE upgrade. So if you  
can get a cheap $99 or $199 4.0, you have a ticket to Final Cut  
Studio Universal for only another $199.

No 5.0 did not drop the 4.5 bundled programs.

You need an analog to DV transcoder to get your VHS tapes into the  
computer. iMovie may be enough. Do you have a DV camera that can act  
as a transcoder?
Taylor Barcroft
New Media Publisher, Editor, Video Journalist, Podcaster, Futurecaster
Santa Cruz CA, Beach of the Silicon Valley
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barcroft (gizmo)
kungax (Skype)
kungag5 (iChat-AIM)

On Feb 26, 2006, at 3:41 PM, SLarsonIH at aol.com wrote:

> I have two basic questions. As background, I'm the one with FCP Pro  
> 4.5 HD on
> the computer that I bought, which didn't come with original media  
> or manuals.
> I have to decide whether to remove it or buy a used copy, before  
> too long.
> 1-I have VHS tapes of family events and some obscure movies I taped  
> from TV,
> years ago, that I want to put on DVD. Is iMovie and iDVD going to  
> be enough to
> make nice DVD's, or are there some important features that FCP  
> brings to the
> table. For example, if FCP will give more scene selections,  
> sharpen, lighten
> or darken bad footage, much like Photoshop will do with pictures,  
> that might
> make the extra cost and time, worth it. In a nut shell, what does  
> FCP give me
> that iMovie & iDVD don't. (Or a web site that explains it)
> 2-I see lots of different versions of FCP on eBay for sale, except  
> 4.5 HD.
> Is 4.5 significantly better than 4.0, and is it not as good as 5.0? My
> impression is that Apple dropped a number of programs bundled with  
> 4.5 when they came
> out with 5.0. Is there a web site that tells what came with each  
> version?

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