[MacDV] Problems with Compressor

Colt Freeman cfreeman at liberty.edu
Thu Jun 1 20:25:05 PDT 2006

IDVD can't handle mpeg2 because it does that encoding for you, doesn't
expect you to do it. It wants .mov files encoded by quicktime or dvcpro

On 6/1/06 10:45 PM, "carlian" <carlian at picknowl.com.au> wrote:

> Up until now I have been using "Export - Using QT Conversion" to move
> my finished projects in FCP HD 4.5 across for burning in either iDVD,
> or Toast 7.
> Yesterday, I felt like taking anothert step up by utilising
> "Compressor" via the Export function in FCP.      I had about one
> hour of finished projects in FCP and it took almost a day for the
> files to be converted to" MPEG-2 60 min.HQ Encode Widescreen" with my
> G4 933 mhz 640 mb SDRAM machine.  (I am waiting for the Intel-Mac
> tower to be released!).  The resultant files were DVD - PCM Audio and
> MPEG 2 .   Several issues arose, namely:-
> 1. The resultant file formats will not be accepted by iDVD
> 2. Although the finished projects in FCP were completely synched re
> audio and video, the longer a converted clip runs the more out-of-
> synch the audio and
>      video become.
> 3. The converted files were accepted by Toast 7 OK, but once the
> burning was finished, I noted the out-of synch problem.  What has
> happened and how can I
>      check whether it was Toast that caused the out-of-synch problem
> ie. is there any way I can view the Compressor converted files prior
> to burning in Toast 7?
>      I can't see where I can preview in Toast, but seem to remember
> being able to do so in earlier versions.
> Should I be using another preference in Compressor to encode my FCP
> movies ready for DVD burning?
> How could I have got the Compressor files into iDVD '06.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Ian Tucker, Adelaide SA
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