[MacDV] FCP 4.5 exporting clips from the Timeline

Phelim Lunny yangzone at aol.com
Wed Jun 7 02:14:27 PDT 2006

I need to give  a 10 sec (3 clip) section of a project to someone  
else to use in their project. I'm not sure if theirs is an AVID set- 
up... but, anyway, it's a professional documentary.

I select the clips but cannot seem to export just the clips. I know  
in FCP 5 it's poss to highlight clips and "Reveal in Finder" but I  
cannot find these clips with a search in 4.5.

How do I go about this?


"So let me confess at the outset to my preference for the real fakery  
of Las Vegas over the fake reality of Santa Fe—for the genuine  
rhinestone over the imitation pearl."
                            -Dave Hickey

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