[MacDV] Recording with Quicktime Pro

Nick Scalise nickscalise at cox.net
Wed May 17 13:31:02 PDT 2006

---- Dennis Fazio <dfz at mac.com> wrote: 
> I'd like to capture video from a live camera (NTSC) via a Canopus  
> ADVC100. I can use iMovie, but would like to keep the size of the  
> recorded file down, not needing the full resolution DV. Quicktime Pro  
> Player can do this by storing it H.264 compressed, it seems. But it  
> only has a resolution of 320x240 and I can't set it to higher  
> resolution like 640x480.
> Am I missing something in the settings or do I need another  
> application to do this?

You may need another application.

BTV will do this.

Nick Scalise
nickscalise at cox.net

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