[MacDV] Re: MacDV Digest, Vol 22, Issue 2

carlian carlian at picknowl.com.au
Thu May 25 06:34:28 PDT 2006

You didn't by chance burn the last session in the "Video", or "Audio"  
portion of Toast?      I did this once and could not then access  
earlier Sessions.

Ian Tucker

On 24/05/2006, at 4:21 AM, macdv- 
request at listserver.themacintoshguy.com wrote:

> I'm not sure why you would only see the last session on a Mac if it  
> was
> burned on a Mac. It doesn't do this for me. Did you burn the multi  
> session
> disc on a Mac or PC? If it was burned on a PC it might not read all  
> the
> sessions but only the last one. Multi session discs that I burn on  
> a Mac
> only read the last session on XP. I know on the Windows side that a  
> lot of
> the burning software makes discs that only work right when you've  
> got their
> software installed. Nero multi session discs only work with Nero  
> not Easy CD
> creator or NTI and vice versa.

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