[MacDV] Re: Compression type

sb videovideo at mac.com
Mon Oct 9 17:54:19 PDT 2006

H.264 is the codec, just like sorenson 3 is a codec. You choose H.264 in the
compression application (QT or Compressor, etc)

H.264 is very good for the web, that's what it was created for - to maximize
quality with the smallest file sizes.

That said, you need to know what your intended audience has - you might be
better off using WMP (Windows Media Player) if most/all your viewers are PC
people, or you might be better off with Flash 8 if you want to stream a high
quality video.


On 10/9/06 7:19 AM, "CAM" <camzotter at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone:
> Can someone please let me know what the compression type H.254 is? I
> usually use sorenson 3.
> Also, if I am exporting quicktime videos for the web, what type of
> compression do you recommend to have an equal balance of download time
> and video quality?
> Thanks in advance!

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