[MacDV] A Bacic DVD

Gordon Alley gordon at gordonalley.com
Fri Apr 6 21:43:04 PDT 2007

The reference movie is still there -- you just can't see it because it
is hidden inside the project "file" package. You can check this by
opening the contextual menu for the project file (CTRL-click or
Right-click on it), and select Show Package Contents. Look for the
reference movie inside the folder that opens or its enclosed folders.


On 4/6/07, Michael Winter <winter at mac.com> wrote:
> On Mar 19, 2007, at 5:47 PM, T.L. Miller wrote:
> > I created my movie in iMovie and now I want to burn a DVD that I
> > can pop
> > into my DVD player and watch on TV.  No iDVD themes, no funky music,
> > just the project I created in iMovie.  Any advice?
> I think the way to do this using iDVD is to create a project, go to
> the "Map" view (click the Map button at the bottom) and drag your
> movie into the first box that says, "Drag content here to
> automatically play when the disk is inserted." It used to be that
> iMovie automatically created a reference movie you could drag in like
> this. But it doesn't do that any more so you may have to export your
> iMovie (full quality DV -takes lots of disk space) before you can do it.
> If you don't already have Toast, it would be worth a try -tell it to
> save as a disk image and check the result before burning.
> -Mike
Gordon B. Alley

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