[MacDV] QUES: USB video capture to G4 dual 1.25 GHz MDD

Gordon Alley gordon at gordonalley.com
Fri Feb 23 21:47:15 PST 2007

If you have a miniDV camcorder that has "pass-through" mode, you can
connect your Hi8 analog outputs to the analog inputs of the miniDV
camcorder, and it can act as an analog-to-FireWire converter without
having to first copy to the miniDV tape (though the latter method
would give you a handy backup tape).


On 2/23/07, Tim Selander <selander at tkf.att.ne.jp> wrote:
> This USB streaming is not going to get editable video into your
> computer. I don't know the specifics of your camera, but almost
> for sure it is for streaming a compresses mpeg version of the
> video on the internet/network. A lot of cameras also use the USB
> to get their stills into a computer.
> You're going to need an analog to firewire convertor box. I use
> one made by Canopus. Not cheap; here's one on ebay...
> <http://tinyurl.com/27rppz>
> Another option would be to pick up a used Digital8 camcorder.
> Probably cost a bit more than the Canopus, but you'd get a second
> camera in the deal. At least some of the Digital8 camcorders can
> play your Hi8 tapes out the firewire. Worst case, you'd have to
> copy your Hi8 tapes to Digital8 tapes (camcorder to camcorder)
> and then go from Digital8 tapes into your computer.
> If you have a miniDV camera, you can also copy your Hi8 tapes to
> miniDV tape, then go into the computer from miniDV.
> Tim Selander
> Tokyo, Japan
> Tiik at aol.com wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I  have been tasked to make a minor league quasi-pro documentary by
> > March 16th.
> > I need to capture video and am having trouble with this simple beginning.
> > I have done this before...on older Mac's. Normally I just sit down and
> > capture, edit and I'm done.
> >
> > I have the Hi8 tapes and am using a Sony Hi8 Handycan Vision...
> > Sony Steady Shot CCD-TRV608 NTSC Video Hi8...USB streaming.
> >
> > The computer is Mac PowerPC G4 Dual 1.25 (Mirror Drive Door)
> > OSX 10.3.9 and OS 9.1
> >
> > The software is  either:
> > Final Cut Express 2.0.2
> > or Adobe Premiere 5.1
> >
> > I prefer to use Premiere because I've used it for 10 yrs.
> > Yes, this forces me to use OS 9.1 but I don't mind at all.
> >
> > Either way, neither application will find the device...the Handycam is
> > connected with a USB cable that works.
> > I am thinking that they are looking for a firewire device instead of a
> > USB device.
> > I did go into the Sony Handycam menu and set USB streaming to ON.
> >
> > I am unable to find anything named Capture Presets.
> >
> > Also, iCapture will not read it. Please excuse me if that name is
> > wrong...it popped up
> > at some point suggesting I try it and I did and it could not find the
> > device either.
> > I have never used it before...whatever it was.
> >
> > I would appreciate anyone telling me if I can make Adobe Premiere
> > read this USB video signal. Can Premiere find this USB device or not?
> > If so, how?
> >
> > ALSO...The Sony Handycam also has an S1 port, but the G4 does not have
> > an S1 port.
> > Can I buy some little box that will allow the S1 to enter the G4 through
> > the firewire port?
> >
> > AND...
> > do you have any suggestions for me in this dilemma?
> >
> > Thank you soooooo much.
> > Tiik

Gordon B. Alley

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