[MacDV] 3D imaging

Don Stark don at scubavisions.com
Wed Oct 15 13:59:47 PDT 2008

If I understand your question - for example, a shot of a old group  
photo where one of the people in the group is in front of the photo -  
that is usually done by creating a separate layer for that person or  
thing in Photoshop or a similar application so it can be imported into  
After Effects or Motion as separate layers and treated as 3D elements.

Don Stark
ScubaVision Productions
Boston, MA USA and Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands, BWI
Weekly Video Netcast at www.ScubaVisions.TV

On Oct 15, 2008, at 1:33 PM, Donald Tully wrote:

> Hi Listers - I'm sure we have all seen documentary slide shows  
> wherein an image in the foreground seems to pop out from the  
> background.  Then as the viewing angle moves around, the image  
> appears to be 3D.  Can anyone share with me how this is done? Is it  
> software or technique?
> Thank you,
> Don Tully
> Viroqua, WI
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